What are the Free All-Inclusive Weeks?
These weeks consist of 7 nights, 8 days for 2 people in an all-inclusive plan. According to the type of membership you have, we will help you reserve the highest category available and thus make the most of this week. Please, keep in mind that the certificate shows a specific date in which it can be applied, as well as a certain number of payments that you must cover for them to be available and ready for use.

How do I get it?
When you decided to be part of the Palladium Travel Club family and a presentation was made with the different types of memberships that suited your travel style best, part of the packages or promotions presented were the free weeks; These individual certificates are specific to each membership based on the promotion that was in effect at the time of purchase.

Do all members have this Free All-inclusive Week?
The promotions offered to be part of the Palladium Travel Club family vary throughout the year, so some memberships may not have this benefit.

How can I redeem a week for use?
To be sure you can use this benefit week, please make sure that you fulfill the next requirements:

* Hold benefit week certificates “Benefit Week” “Free All-inclusive Week”
* Be up to date with the monthly payments of my membership
* Each Free Week certificate is linked to a monthly payment, make sure it is covered
* If you are missing some payments for your week to be released you can make the advance payment and thus take advantage of our promotion

Can these Free All-inclusive Week Certificates be used in any hotel and suite type?
You can use these free weeks certificates in the hotel or property according to the main accesses of your membership. So, it is important that you verify if you have access to Grand Palladium, TRS Hotels, and Family Selection.

Regarding the type of room, it is specified in your membership; our recommendation is that you rely on your contract to verify the dates, destinations, and type of room that you can reserve.



This is to kindly remind you that any free all-inclusive weeks in your membership must be booked and used within the terms listed in your membership agreement.

As Palladium Travel Club would not like you to lose any membership benefits due to time expiration, we suggest that you review the terms of your benefits in your membership agreement from time to time and book them as soon as they are available for use.

Should you have any pending requests related to the time term of your free all-inclusive weeks, resulting from concessions previously communicated to you by the Verification Officer Team, due to major force or extra contractual Palladium Travel Club policies, you must contact your Verification Officer, before November 1st, 2024, so that he or she shares with you the terms and conditions for the concession and help you to apply it, as from November, 2024 on, no past or new concessions will be honored or granted.

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