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You may be wondering and we may have some answers. Our answers are based on the experiences of our staff who have toddlers and our guests who travel with toddlers.

Many people say, do it! Travel with your toddler for the mere sake that they fly free under two. The second reason to start traveling with your toddler early is to make travel a part of their life. When travel starts early parents and kids have great memories to share, a location to return to and if anything, mom and dad have a change of scenery.

Why People Love to Travel with Their Toddlers to the Riviera Maya?

And the survey says:

  1. Traveling with your toddler just breaks a routine. I would rather be a mom for a week in the Riviera Maya looking out over the sea than a mom looking at my back yard 365 days a year.girl-911983_960_720
  2. Our toddler is part of our family, and we are a family of travelers. Getting all of our kids traveling early has made traveling as normal but as exciting as Christmas Day. As they get older they recall some of their first travel memories, but we have the photos and video to remind them, just in case.family-591579_960_720
  3. Introducing my toddler to the sea and the sand was one of my favorite moments as a parent. Their first snow is fun, but there is something about the freedom of the beach and the sea that just clicks with little ones. No clothes required and they love just sitting under the umbrella playing with the sand.P-travelclub (32) logo
  4. Introducing all of my kids at a young age to a foreign language has inspired them to try out new words and new languages once they hit school. I credit this enthusiasm to our trips abroad.P-travelclub (36)
  5. Traveling with our toddler made our vacation richer. When we travelled as a childless couple we had a great time but when we traveled with our first little one, we found we met more people, became part of the community, all because of our little one. People seemed interested in our family trip, and how our little one was enjoying her time. We also hung out with other families on the beach, which enriched our experience exponentially.P-travelclub (24)
  6. Having a toddler in tow on our Riviera Maya vacation opened us up to so many new experiences. we went more local looking for parks, restaurants and more. Since this first trip, I don’t think we would travel without our kids. They just make vacation that much better!P-travelclub (38)

So there you have it. Many parents love to travel with their toddlers for so many different reasons. Will you travel with your toddler? Let us know!

Here are some family Friendly Vacation rentals that just may inspire you to take the plunge or try the Riviera Maya on your next family vacation.

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By: www.locogringo.com

– See more at: https://www.locogringo.com/travel-toddlers-not#sthash.WBjf9dSI.dpuf

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